Ma'ayan Tzvi

Ma'ayan Tzvi
Founded 30 August 1938
Founded by Austrian, Czechoslovakian and German immigrants
Council Hof HaCarmel
Region Coastal plain
Affiliation Kibbutz Movement
Ma'ayan Tzvi

Ma'ayan Tzvi (Hebrew: מַעְיַן צְבִי‎‎, lit. Zvi's Spring) is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located near Zikhron Ya'akov, it falls under the jurisdiction of Hof HaCarmel Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 462.

The kibbutz was established on 30 August 1938 as part of the tower and stockade settlement campaign. The founders were immigrants from Austria, Czechoslovakia and Germany. It was named after Henry Zvi Frank, a Zionist activist and head of the Jewish Colonization Association, which had acquired the land on which the kibbutz was built.